
Tested using Linux, JDK1.4, Tomcat 4.0.4.  Initial Results: Build 
Failed.  Error details follow:

file:/usr/local/cocoon-CVS/xml-cocoon2/build.xml:1519: No source files 
and no packages have been specified.

build.xml snippet:
1505:  <!-- 
=================================================================== -->
1506:  <!-- Creates the API documentation for JDK 
1.4                           -->
1507:  <!-- 
=================================================================== -->
1508:  <target name="javadocs14" if="jdbc3.present">
1509:    <javadoc additionalparam="-subpackages ${packages}"
1510:             sourcepath="${build.src}"
1511:             destdir="${build.javadocs}"
1512:             author="true"
1513:             version="true"
1514:             use="false"
1515:             noindex="true"
1516:             windowtitle="${Name} API"
1517:             doctitle="${Name}"
1518:             bottom="Copyright &#169; ${year} Apache Software 
Foundation. All R$
1519:             stylesheetfile="${resource.dir}/javadoc.css">
1520:      <classpath refid="classpath"/>
1521:    </javadoc>
1522:  </target>

Finally, the results of # find /usr/local/cocoon-CVS -name javadoc.css

Any ideas?

Ryan Hoegg
ISIS Networks

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

>The Cocoon Project is working very hard to release 2.0.3 by Monday, July 
>To meet this goal -- which clearly will benefit all users -- we need 
>some *specific* QA (quality assurance) input from the user community.
>To help, here's what you need to do:
>1. Update your local CVS repository to the *latest* 2.0.3 branch 
>   version from CVS.
>2.  ./build.[sh|bat] clean
>3. If you want to build for JDK 1.4 change in build.xml the following 
>   line from
>     <property name="jvm-target" value="13" />
>   to
>     <property name="jvm-target" value="14" />
>   Do not run Cocoon build for JDK 1.3 on a JDK 1.4 system or 
>   vice versa. Please note, that the build for JDK 1.3 is also
>   targetted for JDK 1.2
>4. ./build.[sh\bat] -Dinclude.webapp.libs=true webapp  (or webapp-local)
>5. Test *all* samples. Hit each and every sample page from links
>beginning at
>6. Report back here on your findings, good or bad.
>7. Make sure you describe your test environment: Platform and JVM, 
>including version numbers.
>8. If you find problems, be specific about the problem description: what 
>   page, what error, etc.
>9. If you can provide a patch/info to fix the problem, even better.
>What we do *not* need:
>Please do not submit requests for XYZ features, dreams, etc. Please save 
>these ideas for future versions.
>The Cocoon Team
>Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
>FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>
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>For additional commands, e-mail:   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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