Sounds similar to the recently contributed WebServiceProxyGenerator.

Check it. Maybe you can add improvements instead of writing a new component
with overlapping functionality:


----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Wechner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 10:46 AM
Subject: ServletProxyGenerator

> Hi
> I am currently working on a ServletProxyGenerator:
>     +--------+       +------------------------+       +---------+
>     |        | ----> | Cocoon:                | ----> |         |
>     | Client |       | ServletProxyGenerator: |       | Servlet |
>     |        | <---- | HttpClient             | <---- |         |
>     +--------+       +------------------------+       +---------+
> with the goal to connect some "legacy servlets" and being able to
> pipe them through Cocoon.
> Actually the ServletProxyGenerator doesn't do a lot. It is just creating
> an HttpClient (org.apache.commons.http) and "forwarding" all parameters
> (POST) and
> the QueryString (GET) from the original client to the HttpClient being
> instanced within the ServletProxyGenerator.
> It is working very fine so far. I now wanted to connect some servlets
> which need the session of the original client, which means I started to
> transfer all Cookies into the HttpClient.
> The problem now is, that the servlet still doesn't find the session!
> Does anyone have experience with these kind of stuff: Passing cookies
> from one client to another?
> Thanks for your help and comments
> Michael
> P.S.: If the ServletProxyGenerator is of any use for the Cocoon
> community, then I would be happy to donate it.
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