On Mon, Jul 22, 2002 at 06:53:31PM +0200, Johannes Koch wrote:
> Piroumian Konstantin wrote:
> >>>Ah! It should be that servlet container simply strips out 
> >>the session Id and
> >>>provides a clear URL. In this case you should use an action 
> >>to get the
> >>>session Id from request and use a matcher like: "foo.*".
> >>
> >>How is this done?
> >
> >
> >Take a look at other Session* actions in org.apache.cocoon.acting.* 
> >package.
> >You should do something like this in your act() method:
> >
> >Map map = new HashMap(1);
> >map.put("jsessionid",
> >ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(objectModel).getSession().getId());
> >return map;
> So, it's not possible only with sitemap things and existing Java code, 
> is it?
Use server pages action: you can write an xsp that will do what you need .. 
What comes to my mind is: 

<xsp:page [namespaces here]>

I do not remember how but I know there is a way to access a request attribute
in the sitemap syou can have an access to sessionid this way
Would be something like:
<map:match pattern="foo.*">
        <map:act type="serverpages" src="[your action file]>
                <map:act type="request"><!- I'm not sure if this one works for request
                                                                attributes -->
                        <map:generate src="foo.{../../1}; {session_id}"/><!-- just for 
                                                                example -->

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