Hello, I have the following problem :

1. Query "foo" document from a database, using xmldb query shortcut, so this
comes as map:generate src="xmldb:...").
***** I want to decide on the presence of a certain tag in "foo", let's say
<result>, to do a map:act. *****

2a. if <result> exists :
there are required fields so create form validation descriptor from
"template" (another database document retrieval)
   then try to validate form.
   If form validation fails generate input form, if success
   generate licence and license info form.

2b. If <result> doesn't exist :  no form validation needed, go to another
   (yeah this repeats...) that generates license
   and license info form.

My question is : how to be able to decide that I want to do an action, when
I retrieve an xml document ? How can my sitemap know that I have <result>
tag in my xml document ?

I can no way use map:redirect-to since I have a bunch of request parameters
I need for input form generation, and these parameters are variable in
number... (so everything is wrapped in map:act type="request").

Maybe I should use an action to query xml database instead of shortcut by
xmldb query ? :-/

The core is that a request parameter, named "template" is used to query the
database and only this result allows to know whether form validation should
happen or not...

Hoping that I am clear.


PS : sorry for sending html mail last evening (Western Europe time), I
didn't check a "plain text" box at home...

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