Hello, my form does not validate.... The "submit" button of form sends to
"form2fill" and thanks to Christian's transformer I keep my request
parameters to regenerate fully the form (will add a template to my xsl to
add an error message). I can't go to the "success" part (google to test
:-p ).
In fact if all required fields are filled I get redirected to my form !

I only decide on "nullable" attribute of "parameter" in the descriptor.

Here are elements :

This is my descriptor for form validation :

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <parameter name="InternalInfo_Email" nullable="yes" type="string" />
  <!-- a big bunch of parameters -->

<constraint-set name="default">
  <validate name="SalesInfo_CustomerID" />
  <validate name="SalesInfo_CustomerName" />

Piece of pipeline :

<map:match pattern="form2fill">
   <!-- be sure one gets the request parameters -->
    <map:act type="request">
     <map:parameter name="parameters" value="true"/>
     <!-- authenticate as usual -->
     <map:act type="sunRise-auth">
      <map:parameter name="handler" value="baepp-handler"/>
      <!-- form validation -->
      <map:act type="form-validator">
       <map:parameter name="descriptor"
       <map:parameter name="validate-set" value="default"/>
       <!-- ok so generate license and show it -->
       <!-- test -->
       <map:redirect-to uri="http://www.google.fr"/>
      <!-- failed so show input form -->
    <map:aggregate .....>      </map:aggregate>
      <map:transform type="sunShine"/>
      <map:transform src="xsl/genlicform2fill.xsl">
       <map:parameter name="use-request-parameters" value="true"/>
      <map:transform src="xsl/select.xsl"/>
      <!-- keeps request params -->
      <map:transform type="simple-form"/>
      <map:serialize type="html"/>

Thanks for any clue...


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