On Fri, 16 Aug 2002, Jan wrote:

> It seems to be that Cocoon uses J2EE (witch I do not have) for it uses 
>javax.transaction.UserTransaction.. is this correct or have I possibly done something 
>wrong during the build process?
> The whole trace is included below.
> Oh by the way: The link is in a class within the scratchpad, so... maybe this will 
>be solved and is just for the moment?
> Cheers,
> Jan
> java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 

After a look into the J2EE specs, I see that the JTA is part of J2EE. The
Slide Class uses the JTA, and lib can be found at the moment in
src/scratchpad/lib. I think this must be removed in the next time, because
there exists problems with SUN licence and the APACHE licence, I think.

But you shouldn't get a compilation error with the current CVS HEAD.

Where do you get this error?


         Stephan Michels               EMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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