Problems with xsl:import seem to occure really often, when using Cocoon. I 
often may not use xsl:import, because it simply doesn't work or I get a "not 
allowed in this position" or something similar. xsl:include solved all 
problems until now, but maybe I want to include a named template, where 
already one exists in the current template with the same name ... 
xsl:include won't work then.


Hahn Kurt (CHA) wrote:
> I'm using the xsl:import-function in some stylesheets, which was OK while I
> imported just one stylesheet. If I import a second one, I get a
> nullPointerException error. 
> According to the xsl-specs, importing more than one stylesheets shouldn't be
> a problem, is this a limitation of Cocoon (I don't think so, since I didn't
> find anything on this in the mail archives)?
> Here's the code-snippet:
> <?xml version="1.0"  encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
>   xmlns:xsl="";
>   xmlns:fo="";
>   xmlns:i18n="";
>   xmlns:eleTitre="";
>   xmlns:eleTexte="";>
>   <xsl:import href="formattage.xsl"/>
>   <xsl:import href="fonctions.xsl"/><!--  Both stylesheets are located in
> the same subdirectory, and both are imported successfully
> in different stylesheets, but not together-->
>   <xsl:template match="/">
>    <fo:root xmlns:fo="";>
>     <fo:layout-master-set>....


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