Koen Pellegrims wrote:
> Menu on my site that contains a link to the index-page (index.html)  and
> links to (among others) a product-page. In the page-hierarchy, the
> product-pages are contained within a 'products' directory.
> The problem arises when I display this menu on a product page, because the
> browser (rightly so) interprets 'index.html' as being relative to the
> 'products'-directory.
> So, whereas the link to 'index.html' is correct from the index-page, it
> refers to 'products/index.html' on any product page. (and even worse: a link
> to productA suddenly becomes a link to products/products/productsA.html)
> My question is simple: did any of you encounter this problem? And -of
> course- how did you solve it?

Use absolute URLs in menus. I pass a parameter to my XSLT
for the prefix
   <a href={$root}/product/productA.html>...
so that the tree navigated by the menu can be easily reparented.

Other possibilities use relative URLs and pass nesting depths.

I can imagine only two possibilities not using XSLT:
- Use frames and let the menu get its own frame (has its own set of
- Use long filenames instead of paths and a Cocoon regexp matcher to
   map them
    URL products-productA -> mapped to /products/productA
   No nested directories -> no problems with relative URLs. :-)


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