
I'm evaluation Cocoon as a possible platform for our new website.
The contents will be entirely stored in xml files,
and (you guessed it !) be transformed into html via xslt.

So finaly I thought it would be a fine thing, to get every html - page
automagically as a
PDF, *without* the need to code that nasty DOC2FO.xsl.

I looked around the net, and found two xsl files :
html2xhtml.xsl and xhtml2fo.xsl

The considered sitemap was this :

<map:match pattern="*/**.pdf">
   <map:generate src="xml/{2}.xml"/>
   <map:transform src="stylesheets/{1}.xsl" />
   <map:transform src="stylesheets/html2xhtml.xsl" />
   <map:transform src="stylesheets/xhtml2fo.xsl" />
   <map:serialize type="fo2pdf" mime-type="application/pdf" />

To make it short, it didn't work. I'm not sure if it's due to an erroneous
xslt... my xslt skills are very limited :)

Has anyone an idea on how to deal with this ?
I mean, perhaps Cocoon has a build-in "html2fo" - transformer I haven't
discovered yet ;)

thanks in advance for your help !


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