I have problem using xsl:strip space. It seems dosn't work with cocoon's xsl 


my xsp:

<xsp:page ...>
                        <esql:get-string column="name"/>

and my xsl:

<xsl:stylesheet ..>
<xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
<xsl:template match="name">
                <INPUT type="text" name="username">
                        <xsl:attribute name="value"><xsl:value-of 

And after transformation username field (and other fields) contain a lot of 
spaces, but i'm sure they should not...
Of course i can use normalize-space()method for each value, but i guess it's 
not the best way over this problem.


Env: cocoon 2.0.3, tomcat4.0.4, JDK1.4.0_01, SuSE Linux 8.0

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