I am using Cocoon 2.0.3 and Tomcat 4.0.4.  I am able to configure the 
sitemap.xmap to select a stylesheet based on the browser type using the 

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<map:sitemap xmlns:map="http://apache.org/cocoon/sitemap/1.0";>


  <map:selectors default="browser">
   <map:selector name="browser"
    <browser name="explorer" useragent="MSIE"/>
    <browser name="netscape" useragent="Mozilla"/>
   <map:selector name="parameter"


   <map:match pattern="hello.html">
      <map:generate src="content/xml/hello-page.xml"/>

      <map:select type="browser">
        <map:when test="explorer">
          <map:transform src="style/xsl/explorer-page2html.xsl"/>
        <map:when test="netscape">
          <map:transform src="style/xsl/netscape-page2html.xsl"/>
          <map:transform src="style/xsl/simple-page2html.xsl"/>

    <map:serialize type="html"/>




Seems to work fine.  But when I want to choose the stylesheet based on the 
browser version, I have problems.  I can change the browser selection to:


  <map:selectors default="browser">
   <map:selector name="browser"
    <browser name="explorer" useragent="HappyHappyJoyJoy"/>
    <browser name="netscape" useragent="Mozilla"/>
   <map:selector name="parameter"


And it still uses the explorer stylesheet transformation.  I can comment out 
the entire block above and it still goes along its merry way.  The docs that I 
have seen refer to a cocoon.properties file, but I don't have one with 2.0.

What I want to be able to do is select the specific browser version.  I want to 
be able to use a specific xsl stylesheet for IE 6, IE 5, Netscape 6, etc.  This 
is the first time that I've worked with Cocoon, so I may have overlooked 

Thanks for your help!

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