Hi Antonio,

an interesting scenario - are you serious? :-)

The authentication framework allows you to pass additional data back from
the authentication pipeline. One solution would be to use the same handler
for all the different pipelines but to pass back additional values that
contain the a,b,c,d etc. So you could store these in your database and then
return them when the user is autenticated.

In the actual pipeline you would then need a new action that checks the
returned a,b,c,d and makes sure the user can access the pipeline.

..... ok, Carsten just came up with the following:

Pass back the additional data as described above. In your pipeline the
authentication action makes the data available as parameters in the
pipeline. You can then use the parameterSelector to switch on the values.
That way you would not need to write a new action.

There you go. Have fun.


Given 4 pages to authenticate:

a) create-category
b) edit-category
c) create-product
d) edit-product.

and 5 users:

userA, userB, userC, userD, userE

and this permission rules:

UserA can acces only pages a,b,c,d
UserB can acces only pages a,b
UserC can access only pages: c,d
UserD can access only pages: a,c
UserE can access only pages: b,d

How is the best approach to do that with Cocoon?

Of course we dont want that the user need to write his user ID and password
access every page.

What we can do?


Antonio Gallardo

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