I am trying to use XMLForm and the Mod-DB actions together. Mod-DB can 
take the request-parameter from XMLForm and perform an action, in this 
case, a select using a unique email address. In my XMLForm Bean the 
variable for this email address is EMAIL, so the request parameter is 
also EMAIL. Mod-DB tries to do a select ... where EMAIL=?, where ?= the 
request parameter TABLE_NAME.EMAIL.

I tried using

<map:act type="request">
                 <map:parameter name="parameters" value="true"/>
                <map:parameter name="default.TABLE_NAME.EMAIL" 

This adds a PARAM = TABLE_NAME.EMAIL to the sitemap, but mod-db doesn't 
use this. The  ? = null in this case.

I added [EMAIL PROTECTED] to the end of the URL as 
request parameters and mod-db got the correct data from the db, but 
XMLForm generates an error because TABLE_NAME.EMAIL is not in the bean 
as a variable.

Basically, I want to know how I can match these things up.  
Can anybody help?


Robert J. (Bobby) Mitchell
Systems Administrator
NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts
555A 14th St Atlanta, Ga. 30318
Phone: (404)347-9633 Fax: (404)347-9638

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