> I've a question regarding href's in the image tag of SVG's. Is there a way
> access the actual sitemap context from an svg?
I also have Problems including external Images during SVG serialization. In
my case it's about JPEGs, but that shouldn't do a difference.

> Example Sitemap:
> <map:pipeline>
>         <map:match pattern="resources/**">
>                 <map:mount check-reload="yes" src="resources/"
> />
>         </map:match>
>         <map:match pattern="resize/**">
>                 <map:generate src="dummy.xml" />
>                 <map:transform src="resizer.xsl">
>                         <map:parameter name="uri" value="{1}" />
>                 </map:transform>
>                 <map:serialize type="svg2jpeg" />
>         </map:match>
> </map:pipeline>
> Example resizer.xsl:
>   <xsl:param name="uri" select="''" />
>   <xsl:template match="/">
>         <svg viewpoint="0 0 320 240" width="320" height="240">
>           <image width="320" height="240" xlink:href="cocoon:{$uri}"/>
>         </svg>
> </xsl:template>

My Sitemap and XSLT look quite similar to yours, but the only way I can
include external images into the SVG is through a http:// URL. This might be
a solution for your Problem with including dynamically generated images. But
for me it is not a that good solution, since the http:// URL on my
develpment system is different from the one on the production system.

> The example above doesn't work.
Being able to use the cocoon: protocol would be great, but it does not seem
to work in my webapp either. Do you have any idea why? I've already tried it
with cocoon 2.0.1, 2.0.2 and 2.0.3. I think this should be fixed if

> Using file:// is no problem, but I want to use
> it with dynamically created content, so I can't access the filesystem
> directly.
I suppose this only works with absolute paths, which is again no good
solution for me. Have you ever had it running with relative paths? I wasn't
able to...

-- Michael Riedel

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