Werner Guttmann wrote:

>Thanks, Vadim, for pointing this out. I just changed this back to be in line
>with the CASTOR_URI declaration in CastorTransformer.java, i.e. use a
>namespace declaration of
>in my page. Though now I am facing the same problem as in my original email,
>iow I am still getting a NPE. Any idea why ?

No, I don't; and I have not read your original email: I've not worked 
with Castor (yet).


>Vadim Gritsenko wrote:
>>Werner Guttmann wrote:
>>>PS Btw, the Castor sample shipped with Cocoon 2.0.3 has an error in the
>>>namespace documentation of the test.xml file, iow it really reads
>>><?xml version="1.0"?>
>>><zoo xmlns:castor="http://castor.exolab.org/cocoontransfomer";>
>>Actually, this is not error in demo; it's a typo in a transformer
>>itself. Thanks for pointing this out.
>>This namespace typo can easily be fixed because this transformer is
>>still in the scratchpad (== alpha).

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