On Mon, Sep 23, 2002 at 04:14:06PM -0500, Mark Kent wrote:
> Simple question (easy answer?)
> We are using the JBoss-3.0.0_Tomcat-4.0.3 package and running our webapps
> from the "deploy" folder in [JBOSS_HOME]/server/default/deploy (where the
> webapps are deployed).  The Cocoon 2.0.3 (as cocoon.war) runs nicely from
> there.  I have another existing webapp (call it "CL") running all of my
> JSP's from an deploy/cl.ear/cl.war setup.  Everything is fine.  Each app
> (mine and Cocoon) runs nicely on it's own.
> i.e.:
>   [JBOSS_HOME]/server/default/deploy/cl.ear./cl.war
>   [JBOSS_HOME]/server/default/deploy/cocoon.war
> These are referenced in a URL with:
> http://localhost/cl/   and
> http://localhost/cocoon/
> Now, I want an existing JSP form from my cl.app to gather and post report
> selection criteria to create HTML/PDF/XML/CSV reports (using Cocoon and it's
> nifty serializers).  I'm trying to figure out how to configure these under
> JBoss/Tomcat (mostly Tomcat I think) to send this form to my Cocoon URI
> which is in a different "context" (is that the right term?).
> Sequence:
> - User logs in to cl app through JSP page and creates Tomcat session var for
> "authentication".
> - User selects report options from a form in my app. (this page checks for a
> valid session var before allowing access)
> - What is the best way to pass (post) these parameters to my Cocoon XML page
> making sure that the person is logged in before running the report (I don't
> want to allow "any" visitor to run reports)?

Tomcat 4 has a feature called "single sign on":

That only works if you're using container-managed authentication
(configured in web.xml).

Otherwise, I don't know.. perhaps you could have a JNDI context shared
between the two webapps? Pass a "key" from one app to another?  Nothing
really Cocoon-specific.


> As you can see, my site is running Cocoon for the reporting part only, not
> all of the other bells and whistles that Cocoon can do (rewriting to use
> Cocoon only is not an option).  My reports DO run just fine from the cocoon
> URI using Oracle db pooling and XSL styles sheets.
> How can I call them from my other webapps securely?
> mark

Please check that your question  has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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