Alan Hodgkinson wrote:

>>Jeff Turner wrote:
>>Alan Hodgkinson wrote:
>>>  <xsp:styesheet version="1.0"
>>     ^^^
>              ^
>              |
>Arrrghhhh!    +-->  'styesheet' != 'stylesheet'
>That solved part of the problem. As you pointed out, I also 
>had 'xsp' instead of 'xsl'. It came from copying an XSP 
>page in order to get the correct namespaces. Oops! 
>Jeff: many thanks for you help!
>..but unfortunately it doesn't solve the entire problem.
>That is, I cannot make the technique described in Matthew and 
>Carston's book (and the Cocoon web site) work where you use 
>the 'context:' protocol to define the location of xsl file. 
>  <builtin-logicsheet>
>    <parameter name="prefix" value="lop"/>
>    <parameter name="uri"
>    <parameter name="href" value="context://logicsheets/lop.xsl"/>
>  </builtin-logicsheet>
>I've tried the following variations in cocoon.xconf for the 
>logicsheet href. All of them fail:
>  context://lop.xsl
>  context://logicsheets/lop.xsl
>  file:///lop.xsl
>  file:///logicsheets/lop.xsl
>..they all cause a resource not found error in the logs.
>As a last resort I tried:
>  logicsheets/lop.xsl
>E.g. with no protocol in the href. This appears to work, but 
>don't ask me why! For now it's an acceptible work-around, but it 
>definitely does not seem to be working as documented. Strange.
>Note that I can also make the logic sheet work if I configure my 
>cocoon.xconf as follows:
>  <builtin-logicsheet>
>    <parameter name="prefix" value="lop"/>
>    <parameter name="uri"
>    <parameter name="href" value="resource://ch/softxs/cocoon/lop.xsl"/>
>  </builtin-logicsheet>
>but this requires me to create a jar file with the appropriate
>structure that I place in WEB-INF/lib. And then you have to bounce
>Tomcat, makeing the developement cycle much slower.
>I'd appreciate any feedback on the way the href in cocoon.xconf
>is supposed to function.

Is this the same bug?


>Best wishes,

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