On 30.Sep.2002 -- 12:24 PM, Jerome Iffrig wrote:
> Hi all,
> I went trough Leigh Dodds’ “Database driven website” tutorial (very
> interesting) and I have now a question on a slightly different architecture:
> My content is NOT stored within a database – Only the PATHs to the content
> is stored therein –
> I cannot figure out (and this for a couple of weeks now) how to build a
> transformers chain for them to to lookup for the PATH of the XML docs
> (document content) and of the XSL (styles to be applied to the different
> contents) within the database and then fetch both files on the filesystem
> for then generate the final HTML document from this.

This first idea (which is not always the best) that comes to mind
would be to retrieve the path e.g. using esql and use the
util:include-uri or friends to include the document.

Another one would be to retrieve the path using one of the
DatabaseSelectActions and use the InputModule-substitution in sitemap
to read that file. (available in 2.1 (cvs) for interpreted sitemap and
2.0.4 (cvs) for compiled sitemap)


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