At 19.48 30/09/2002 +0200, you wrote:
>good, now I can sort it out:
>1) The XML produced by the XSP is not particolarly suited to the purpose; 
>a better output is attached as myfile.xml (please, note
>the embedding of "chapter" and "paragraph" elements)
>2) The XSLT you wrote is "procedural", but should be "declarative" 
>instead. A complete re-work of your XSLT is attached as
>myfile.xsl (I took the liberty of adding some HTML formatting to further 
>clarify the document's structure)

Thank you so much ....

>At the end of the day:
>         <advice type="wise">
>                 Get yourself "XSLT" by Doug Tidwell (O'Reilly) and start 
> studying it:
>                 XSLT does matter, you won't regret learning it
>         </advice>

Ok, I will go and by it  .... and study it ;-)

>         <advice type="unabashed self-promoting">
>                 Get some mentoring by a Cocoon/XSLT consultant who happens to
>                 live in Italy...
>         </advice>

first I have to convince someone (my company)  to pay for it :-D (ma l'idea 

>Best regards,

Grazie mille ancora per tutto l'aiuto che ci hai dato ! Jessica 

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