
I'm a fairly new Cocoon user and have encountered a weird
problem that I've not been able to solve.  I have an SVG
File which consists of a JPEG image and a Text string. I
have broken that up into a Stylesheet. Once the transform
is done, it is serialized to JPEG before rendering to the
browser. I've done this so that I can automatically put a
copyright notice (or other message) on images before web
I did get this working (honest!) but it seemed to just stop
working (in that I'm not aware that I did anything that
could have broken it). However if I serialize to SVGXML it
works fine (so I'm 99.9% sure the stylesheet is still
fine). If I try to serialize the original SVG file to JPEG
it doesn't work.
Here are the relavent sections of my site map to illustrate
what I'm saying:

<!-- This works -->
<map:match pattern="picture.svg">
        <map:generate src="docs/picture.xml"/>
        <map:transform src="stylesheets/picture.xsl"/>
        <map:serialize type="svgxml"/>

<!-- These don't work -->
<map:match pattern="picture.jpg">
        <map:generate src="docs/picture.xml"/>
        <map:transform src="stylesheets/picture.xsl"/>
        <map:serialize type="svg2jpeg"/>
<map:match pattern="testpicture.jpg">
        <map:generate src="picture.svg"/>
        <map:serialize type="svg2jpeg"/>

The strange thing is that there are no log messages and a
jpeg IS rendered. I've made that available on
 However it only renders the text layered over the top. The
png which is the source image does not render. The other
interesting this is that the Sample Jpeg render no longer
works. I have not touched the main site map or any of the
samples code.

Any Help would be much appreciated, 


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