Josema Alonso wrote:

>>I've sent email. Why do you need xsp logicsheet and why don't you use
>>xmldb protocol with cinclude? This works out of the box, with no effort.
>I'm sorry Vadim, I've just browsed through the archives and I saw your
>reply. I do not know why I haven't got it. It seems I have some problem with
>my email box, cause now I'm getting today's messages from the list twice...
>Anyway, I have read some of your previous replies regarding this subject.
>Have tried the util logicsheet and it's working out of the box, even for
>XPath queries. Great feature, thanks!
>But what I would like to do is to edit, remove, update...documents in

Try also XMLDBTransformer. It is located in the scratchpad, and can 
create / delete resources in the xindice. xupdate is also supported but 
I had no time to hunt all the bugs out of it.

> Since I'm still not so good at Java, I see very difficult to me to
>write the proper action or generator needed to do it. So, I found the eXist
>logicsheet documentation:
>and I thought it was the best for me. Everything in a logicsheet. And it
>lets me remove and add documents and collections, great. I couldn't test it
>more but at least the get-collection and get-document are working for me
>Btw, where should I start looking if I want to create a new action or
>generator for XUpdate as you suggested? Maybe at '' or
>'' better?
>Oh, and currently I refer to my Xindice collections in the XSP like this:
><xmldb:collection uri="xmldb:xindice://localhost:4080/db/addressbook/">
>But I'm not completely satisfied, cause it depends on my setup. What
>if someone doesn't have Xindice running on port 4080, for example? So, is
>there any way of referring to them through the pipeline matcher? Something
>like: cocoon://xmldb/addressbook/

You will need pipeline to process such request.  Then it should work.


>I've tried the later and it doesn't work for me.
>Thank you very much.

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