
Just wanted to follow through on the discussion from a
couple of month back.  There was a proposal that
Konstantin was going to work on to implement i18:when
tag as an alternative to using message files, so that
you could have in the same file something like:

    <i18:when locale='en'>hello</i18n:when>
    <i18n:when locale='fr'>bonjour</i18n:when>

Now here is my question (I'm making some assumptions
here, so please correct me if I'm wrong):

I18nTransformer is not cacheable, which generally is
not a problem, since it is used as one of the last
transformers in a pipeline, when most of the
"heavy-duty" processing is already done.  Now, this
might not be true for i18n:when tag, which is most
likely to be the first step in a pipeline and hence
the rest of the pipleline is not going to get cached. 
Also note, that there is no reason why the result of
i18n:when could not be cached.

Is this concern valid or am I missing something?


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