Thanks, Chris.

Yes, I am using the lastest 2.1 CVS, like always ;)

I made this changes in the sitemap:

<map:action name="mod-db-add"

<map:action name="mod-db-upd"

<map:action name="mod-db-del"

I will put a copy on this on the Wiki now :)

Thanks again,

Antonio Gallardo.

El Miércoles, 16 de Octubre de 2002 08:12, Christian Haul escribió:
> On 16.Oct.2002 -- 07:53 AM, Antonio Gallardo Rivera wrote:
> > Thread-9/DatabaseAction: Could not select output mode attribute:null
> So, you are using a CVS version, eh? The default outputmode used to be
> (and still is) "attribute" which was recently renamed
> "request-attr". You need to add / change the <output-mode/> tag of the
> action declaration accordingly. Most likely you will need to add
> <input>request-param</input> as well.
> I'm currently creating a block for the database stuff. When that is
> done, I'll change all the defaults to the new values. Sorry for now.
>       Chris.

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