I have a couple of questions on how to use

1. I have a "multiple" select, which is being
submitted by a form, so that my request string looks
Does anyone know how I could retrieve all of the
"selectItem" request paramters?  I've tried (just to
see what happens):
<session:getxml context="request"
path="/parameter/selectItem"/>, and this just gets the
first selectItem parameter (id=1).
What I would like to get is:
 <item id="1"/>
 <item id="2"/>
 <item id="3"/>
2. I would like to set an attribute with the value of
a request parameter.  I understand, that if I were to
set an element I would do something like:
 <id><session:getxml context="request"
However, what I would like to do is:
<item id="the value of id request parameter"/>
Does anyone know if this is possible, or if not, what
are the typical workarounds?

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FAQ before posting.     <http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/faq/index.html>

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