On 30.Oct.2002 -- 08:45 PM, Hugo Burm wrote:
> How can I access the output of an input module in an XSP page?
> I am talking about the input modules as they are used by the modular
> database actions in 2.1-dev (org\apache\cocoon\components\modules\input). I
> have written my own input module which works fine with the modular database
> actions. But now I need exactly the same info from this module in an xsp
> page. At the moment I am trying to get the output of my module into a
> sitemap parameter and I am trying to access this parameter in my XSP page.
> Doesn't work yet. May be I missed something in the docs.
> There must be a simple solution for this problem, but I did not found it
> yet. Anybody else knows how to tackle this?

AFAIK someone is working on a logicsheet for that. It's not difficult to do
if you don't fear some java and know some Avalon.

Another cheap solution would be to use the TestAction which really copies
everything an InputModule offers to an OutputModule. Modify it so that it
returns values for the sitemap if you need to.

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