Thank you Bertrand for your help.

I think that a cleanly separation between different layers is great. This was my first 
idea and Cocoon should be the user interface layer. But HOW doing that??
HOW separate layers in Cocoon?? I have not enough experience in Cocoon to see the 
solution of the separation.

Anyone of you can help me?
Thank you

-----Message d'origine-----
De: Bertrand Delacretaz [mailto:bdelacretaz@;]
Date: vendredi, 8. novembre 2002 08:30
Cc: Thévoz Sylvain, IT-DCS-CPS-CLI-DAR
Objet: Re: How to develop a web application with Cocoon

Hi Sylvain,

> ...can I do all I want in my web application
> with Cocoon????....

Looks like there's not a rush to reply to this one...

Quite frankly I don't know the precise status of the current implementations 
of forms handling and flow. These would help you a lot in filling the blanks 
in your concept, so you might want to ask more specific questions about them 

Let me reply on what I know...

> 2) Search data: form to enter the query => select data in database =>
> display result

If you're reading directly from the database (but read below about this), 
ESQL seems to be the most flexible option here, followed by XSLT 
transforms for HTML or PDF generation.

I don't think you need a form handling module for this, you can start with a 
(static or XSLT-generated) HTML form and use the request parameters to build 
the SQL query.

> 4) Generate file: choose the file to generate (from a result or a form) =>
> select data in database => generate the file

What kind of file? XML? HTML? PDF? RTF?
In any case I think XSLT transforms followed by the appropriate serializers 
will do the job. This is something that is definitely mature in Cocoon today 
(with some limitations in PDF output and some more in RTF output).

The forms handling module might also be overkill here IMO if you're just 
selecting 2-3 options on a form to trigger file generation.

*** OK,BUT - do you want a monolithic system? ***

So I don't have all the answers, but even if Cocoon allows you to build your 
complete app today, I would by all means avoid creating a big monolithic 

Cleanly separated application layers are a must in my book, with at least a 
(stable and testable) backend to handle database transactions and a (more 
subject to change and harder to test) frontend for the user interface.

It's great that Cocoon offers (or will soon offer) all components required to 
build a complete webapp, but this might cause a tendency of using too much of 
it at the same time.

IMHO the WebServicesProxyGenerator [1] is a great step towards cleanly 
modularized applications, by allowing a clean separation of application 
layers. It doesn't mean you won't use Cocoon for the backend as well, but if 
you do you might be better off using *another instance* of Cocoon for the 
backend, separate process, maybe separate server.

Of course modularizing usually means some loss of performance compared to 
more tightly integrated systems. For most applications this is irrelevant I 
think, or more precisely the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages.

Hope this helps!


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