Reinhard Poetz wrote:

So the joined parts are not xml files anymore but html files?  So I
can't use
 <map:transform src="styles/menuandbook2html.xsl"/>
on them anymore and I can't also use

You have to possiblities:

1. Each of the map:part-pipelines returns the xml in the form you need it
for your client. But make sure to use the XML serializer and not the
html-serizalizer. (map:serialize type="xml"/>)
Here I don't need to transform one xml to another one. I need html as output.

         <map:aggregate element="site">
            <map:part src="content/menu.xml"/>
            <map:part src="content/books.xml"/>
         <map:transform src="styles/menuandbook2html.xsl"/>
         <map:serialize type="html"/>

In this case you read your books and your menu directly (without using
sub-pipelines) and you only have one stylesheets that transforms your xml in
And this is what I don't want (ie one big xsl). I want one xsl for menu (and generally navigation) and one for content, so I will have a few small xsl files vs one big (easier to manage).

So I think the second step is the way to go and manage xsl files using one 'main' (here menuandbook2html.xsl) xsl which includes the rest.

Sounds reasonably?

Piotr Legiecki

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