On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, Ivelin Ivanov wrote:

> Are you saying that the version in CVS is bad?
> Please submit a bug in Bugzilla about this and mention which version do you
> use.

It might be.  When I get to work, today, I have a few things that I can
check, but so far, I've gotten different results with different versions
of commons-httpclient.  I almost want to say the bug is there, and not
actually in the WSPG.  With the long weekend for the holidays coming here
in the US, it will be quiet at work today, so I should have no problem
concentrating on getting this solved :)

If I still can't get the WSPG working with my examples, I'll file a bug
and we'll take it from there.


Tony Collen -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
College of Liberal Arts   University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, West Bank

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