Hi list(s),

After almost a week of pounding my head on the cement, I've figured out what's been going on with the WSPG. Consider the following pipeline:

<map:match pattern="search/doSearch">
<map:generate type="debugwsproxy" src="http://localhost/postServlet";>
<map:parameter name="wsproxy-method" value="POST"/>
<map:serialize type="xml"/>

Alright, simple enough, correct? The only "odd" thing about this is that is uses the wsproxy-method parameter, which I used according to samples/webserviceproxy/README.txt.

For some reason however, even though I told the WSPG to POST to the servlet, it refused. Here's the (very verbose) output from my debug servlet I wrote:

1 [PostServlet] doGet() called
2 [PostServlet] Passing request and response to doPost()
3 [PostServlet] doPost() called
4 [PostServlet] Getting parameter "Mode" from request.
5 [PostServlet] Mode is null!
6 [PostServlet] Sending some XML anyway.
7 [PostServlet] Done sending XML. Exiting.

The following output leads me to the following two conclusions:

1) Even though I'm telling the WSPG to use POST on the remote service, it's not (Line 1).
1a) I can't see anywhere in the WSPG code where it's getting the wsproxy-method configuration parameter :)

2) When the WSPG copies over the request parameters, somehow the POST parameters are either not being copied over, or they're being stomped on somehow. Basically, the WSPG is not proxying the POST parameters correctly (Lines 4 and 5).

For now, I'll file a bug. Ivelin, perhaps we can work together to get this functioning correctly... mostly because I need it to work correctly to get my job done :) If anything I'll submit a patch to add some more useful debug logging to the WSPG.


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