On Tue, 3 Dec 2002, Jeremy Quinn wrote:

> Is 'JK2' the best one to be using now?
> I am a bit confused between mod_webapp (warp) and JK[n] TBH.

I never got warp working, so I've always used Jk myself.

> > Sure you'll run into troubles if there are html files in the static
> > directories, or you rename it to *.htm
> Can't change the urls ;)

And besides, we're geeks, so an elegant solution that doesn't require
modifying existing content would be desirable too ;-)

> As I remember, mapping '/' to mod_webapp stopped Apache from serving


> But as you imply in your sample above, this is not the case with JK2?

The samples above don't map '/' to mod_webapp, they only map selected

> So I would be able to map a long list of folders to JK2 and have
> everything else automatically handled by Apache?

Sure, but we probably should try and achieve the opposite: I assume the
number of Cocoon resources will grow, whilst the "legacy" stuff will
remain constant (or at least constantly in the same place).

> JkMount / worker2
> JkMount /index worker2
> JkMount /index.* worker2
> JkMount /archive/* worker2
> JkMount /collaboration/* worker2
> JkMount /education/* worker2
> JkMount /general/* worker2
> JkMount /library/* worker2
> JkMount /news/* worker2
> JkMount /press/* worker2
> JkMount /publications/* worker2
> JkMount /season/* worker2
> JkMount /search/* worker2
> JkMount /x-space/* worker2
> Is this going to work?
> Will Cocoon 'receive' the whole URL, or just the bit picked up by the
> '*'?

I'm not sure - I'd guess it'll have the whole URL somewhere in the
headers, but possibly not where you want it. Besides, the solution above
isn't very future-proof IMHO.

You also said:

> We really want to get Apache serving this content if possible, it is
> going to have less overhead and be faster, as I understand it.

I think your best solution is going to be in the Apache httpd.conf - maybe
Rewrite will do what you want. Can't figure out how to limit what is
passed on to Cocoon via JkMount though :-/

Effectively I guess you want rules that pass everything but images,
movies, audio, x-spaceprojects, harlem etc to mod_jk. Anyone else know how
to do that? ;-)

I mean something like:

JkMount /!(images|movies|audio)*


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