>       # Problem: now EVERYTHING is served by cocoon. No way to serve  
>static/legacy content by Apache!

A small quibble, but this isn't true.  You can set up an alias in
httpd.conf, for example:

Alias /images/ "/usr/java/tomcat/webapps/cocoon/resources/images/"

<Directory "/usr/java/tomcat/webapps/cocoon/resources/images">
    Options Indexes Multiviews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

     Then any request to '/images/someimagefile will be served by
apache, even with cocoon context at '/'.  At least this works for me
apache 2.0.43 mod_webapp 1.2.  This is also how I handle pdfs.
     On the other hand, Leo's excellent summary has got me thinking I
should switch to mod_jk2 . . .


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