On 10.Dec.2002 -- 12:26 PM, Gabriele Domenichini wrote:
> I had this stored procedure running well with SQL Transformer:
>     <query lang="1" isstoredprocedure="true">
>       begin dbchem.scheda_xml('<substitute-value sql:name="lingua"/>',
>       ?,
>       '<substitute-value sql:name="codice"/>',
>       '<substitute-value sql:name="revisione"/>',
>       ''); end;
>     </query>
> I have to convert it to ESQL because the out parameter is xml.
> I've tried everything and the most possible candidate to work is the
> following:
> <esql:execute-query>
>     <esql:call>
>         {call dbchem.scheda_xml(
>     <esql:parameter direction="in"
>     type="String"><xsp-request:get-parameter
>     name="lingua"/></esql:parameter>,
>         <esql:parameter direction="out" type="String"/>,
>         <esql:parameter direction="in"
>         type="String"><xsp-request:get-parameter
>         name="codice"/></esql:parameter>,
>         <esql:parameter direction="in"
>         type="String"><xsp-request:get-parameter
>         name="revisione"/></esql:parameter>,
>         ,'0')}
>     </esql:call>
>     <esql:results>
>         <esql:call-results>
>             <esql:get-xml column="1" from-call="yes"/> 
>       </esql:call-results>
>     </esql:results>
> </esql:execute-query>
> The error is:
> The org.apache.cocoon.www.sitemap_xmap notifies that
> org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException says:
> Exception in ServerPagesGenerator.generate() 
> Original exception : java.lang.NullPointerException 
> at
> org.apache.cocoon.components.language.markup.xsp.EsqlQuery.<init>(EsqlQuery.java:99) 

Check that you *really* need to use esql:call-results and that
esql:row-results does not work for you.

Please search this list for others that used Oracle with SP and esql.

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