Hi Folks,

Does anybody know enough about the Cocoon's use of the ExcaliburComponentManager to help me please?

I'm getting lots of warnings in my core.log "Looking up component on an uninitialized ComponentLocator" and "Attempted to release a null component." I'm guessing that they are related to each other. My web.xml, config.xconf are pruned down versions of the ones for the cocoon examples. I have no idea what I should be checking and have searched the archives.

What is a ComponentLocator? Why would it be uninitialised? How do I initialise it?

Why would I have a null component? Why would there be an attempt to release it?

What should I expect if I ignore these warnings?

I seem to get them for most of my requests/pipelines, so I don't think it is directly related to an individual pipeline.

Any ideas for debugging this one would be very welcome. Thanks in advance.


WARN (2002-12-10) 11:46.29:634 [core.manager] (/developing-self-roster/tbar-menu.html) Thread-12/ExcaliburComponentManager: Looking up component on an uninitialized ComponentLocator [org.apache.cocoon.generation.GeneratorSelector]

WARN (2002-12-10) 11:53.32:853 [core.manager] (/developing-self-roster/tbar-menu.html) Thread-10/ExcaliburComponentSelector: Attempted to release a null component.

RH Linux 8.0, j2sdk1.4.1_01, jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12-LE-jdk14, Cocoon 1.0.4

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