There's an example of this in the samples, but it's likely to be quite slow
if it is recreated for each request because of the overhead of compiling the
xsp.  While there may be people out there successfully using that technique,
you'd probably be better advised to see if there's another way to accomplish
what you need.  If the final source of the xsp is likely to change only
infrequently and can be cached, you may be ok.

Geoff Howard

-----Original Message-----
From: Cocoon User [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 6:37 AM
Subject: xml+xsl -> xsp

is i possible to create an .xsp  from a xml-xsl compination (through

an then ask from cocoon to execute this .xsp?  and all this on the fly?

i want to call http://....../some.xsp

and cocoon create the some.xsp and then execute it


stavros Kounis

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