I would build like so:

  ./build.sh clean-webapp      #this builds a cocoon.war but it is bare min

Don't expect to see much other than an error of failed to load sitemap.xmap as
there isnt much there. So you modify it and put pipelines that work.  Another
alernative is search on this list posting by Lajos on build with no samples.
Good luck.


PS.  I am not sure if this may cause a problem, having two cocoon started if
both uses hsqldb.  I have not verified this, but it maybe a cause of your
issues.  From what I recall of hsqldb, you can only have one running (as a
standalone) in a machine unless you configured hsqldb as a server.  Please see
the init() of how hsqldb gets instantiated, perhaps in one instance of cocoon
you can disable it.

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