Nils Leßmann wrote:

> Hi!
> I don’t know wether it’s good style but i’m currently using a lot of
> helper classes in my logicsheets, simply because i need an ide and
> hating writing my java-code directly into the xsp. I’d be interested how
> you folks do it, by the way.
> Thing is, I have to restart tomcat everytime I recompile my external
> java classes, which can be pretty time consuming. Is there a way to
> reload the classes while tomcat is running?

Well, here is, what I do. It work's with Tomcat 4.1.18, but should also work
with 4.0.4. I'm using lynx as a commandline browser and the user tomcat
must have the admin role in tomcat-users.xml.

lynx -auth tomcat:tomcat http://localhost:8080/manager/reload?path=/cewolf

Change path to whatever application you want to reload. Instead of reload, 
you might try stop and start. Read the documentation for the tomcat
manager application.

And, you can explicitly configure your application in server.xml with
reloadable set to true. Something like this:

 <Context path="/cocoon" docBase="cocoon"  reloadable="true"/>

Still this all didn't help very much, while I fiddled a little bit with the 
sendmail.xsl logicsheet. Here I had to restart tomcat everytime. 
But perhaps I've overlooked something else. (Cleaning the 
tomcat work directoy might also help).

MfG / Regards

Frank Ridderbusch

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