hi people

i have compile and install the latest cocoon 2.0.4

redhat 7.1
java 1.3
tomcat 4

we plan to replace cocoon2rc1 in our prodaction machine

the problem is that core.log file become bigger avery second
when we dont ask any page cocoon add every second the entry:

DEBUG   (2003-01-03) 21:04.45:443   [core.store.janitor] (Unknown-URI)
Unknown-thread/StoreJanitorImpl: JVM free Memory: 12818096

in ths machine whe have cocoon2rc1 working without problem for the last 14

is something strange happend here? he have to be completly sure that
everything work fine before replace cocoon in this machine

is there any answer ebout this problem?

Stavros Kounis

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