i use to build queries in in logic too , into a variable this code work
for me:


                        int lookup = 0;
                        String slookup = "";
                        String lookupstr = "";
                        String colfilter = "";

                        slookup = request.getParameter("lookup");
                        lookupstr = request.getParameter("lookupstr");

                        if (slookup != null){
                                lookup = Integer.parseInt(slookup);

                        if (lookup == 1) {
                                colfilter ="WHERE 


                                        <esql:query>select contact_id, fname, mname, 
lname from contacts

hope can help

On Sun, 5 Jan 2003, Lajos Moczar wrote:

> Yves -
> Why not build your select statement as a string variable inside an
> <xsp:logic> block after the root user tag, and then reference it thusly:
> <esql:query>
>   <xsp:expr>myQuery</xsp:expr>
> </esql:query>
> I do this all the time and it works perfectly.
> Regards,
> Lajos

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