Anyone idea at all why the
http://localhost:8888/samples/welcome/  would be
seeking for the sitemap.xmap like so?

The main sitemap.xmap is stock from the compilation of
2.1dev. The way it display anything from documents/
dir is okay, but anything else is not working.
There are only two <map:pipeline> in the main
sitemap.xmap and the 2nd one basically is for the
sub-mount like so, 

    533   <map:pipeline>
    534     <!-- mount everything else -->
    535     <map:match pattern="*/**">
    536       <map:mount check-reload="yes" src="{1}/"
    537     </map:match>
    538   </map:pipeline> 

Any other ideas?

--- e nio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   I tried deploying cocoon2.1 which I have recently
> downloaded and compiled, it deploys fine on Tomcat
> 4.1.12 but not on Orion 1.5.3.  It is only partially
> working on Orion 1.5.3, partially since I can use
> http://localhost:8888/  which becomes
> http://localhost:8888/documents/index.html which is
> the main page and I can click on all the menu items
> or
> the links within the page without much of a problem.
> However if I typed in
> http://localhost:8888/samples/welcome which should
> go
> to the sample pages, I get an error instead:
> org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Failed to
> load
> sitemap from
>  org.apache.cocoon.ResourceNotFoundException:
> Resource
> not found.:
> org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceNotFoundException:
> Resource not found
> Steps I have done are:
> 1. remove from /u01/OJSP/j3ee/orion/ 
> xalan.jar,xerces.jar, and jaxp.jar and replaced
> those
> with xalan-2.4.1.jar,xercesImpl-2.1.0.jar and
> xml-apis.jar accordingly.
> 2. put cocoon.war at
> /u01/OJSP/j3ee/orion/applications/
> 3. in orion/server.xml added <application
> name="cocoon" path="../applications/cocoon" />
> 4. in orion/application.xml added 
> <web-module id="default" path="../applications/" />
> and
> <library
> path="../applications/cocoon/cocoon/WEB-INF/lib"/>
> <library
> 5. in orion/default-web-site.xml added
> <web-app application="cocoon" name="cocoon" root="/"
> />
> 6. in orion/lib/  I added cocoon.jar
> 7. I think I started orion, for cocoon.war to expand
> then stop, and restarted. Then I have to modify the
> cocoon dir to look like this
> orion/applications/cocoon/cocoon/    <- added one
> dir
> above, I dont know why I must, but I did.
>  <-- this is not same application.xml as in
> orion/config/, the file content is like so:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!DOCTYPE application PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems,
> Inc.//DTD J2EE Application 1.2//EN"
> "";>
> <application>
>    <display-name>Cocoon servlet</display-name>
>    <description>Cocoon</description>
>    <module>
>       <web>
>          <web-uri>cocoon</web-uri>
>          <context-root>/</context-root>
>       </web>
>    </module>
> </application>
> 8.  on orion/config/global-web-application.xml I
> commented out the <servlet> <servlet-name>xsl<...>
> block
> 9. downloaded the batik-all-1.5b.2.jar per
> to replaced the current one
> (I
> did verify current one can't be unjarred)
> 10. restarted orion and browsed
> http://localhost:8888/
> result is posted above.
> Am I missing a step, or botched a step here? please
> help complete the steps. Why would the documents
> work
> but the samples does not? I surmised that it does
> not
> want to go to the submount, is the configs on orion
> wrong?  This same cocoon.war works on Tomcat 4.1.12
> without the application.xml modification I have to
> do
> for orion. Fyi, I never was able to get cocoon+orion
> before after so many tries, this time it is partial
> success.
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