Hello Geoff and Sylvain,

I can't confirm a bug using Cocoon 2.1 dev from CVS (2003-01-07).

Using this sitemap snippet

<map:match pattern="test">
<map:generate src="http://www.moreover.com/cgi-local/page?o=xml&amp;c=Virus%20warnings"/>
<map:serialize type="xml"/>

I have this in my core.log, where you can see that the link is resolved correctly. Furthermore I get the same result requesting the virus warnings from Cocoon and directly from www.moreover.com.



DEBUG (2003-01-13) 16:48.59:984 [core.manager] (/cocoon/joerg/test) Thread-9/SourceResolverImpl: Resolving 'http://www.moreover.com/cgi-local/page?o=xml&c=Virus%20warnings' with base 'file:/D:/xml/' in context 'file:/D:/Tomcat/bin/'
DEBUG (2003-01-13) 16:48.59:984 [core.manager] (/cocoon/joerg/test) Thread-9/SourceResolverImpl: Resolved to systemID 'http://www.moreover.com/cgi-local/page?o=xml&c=Virus%20warnings'
DEBUG (2003-01-13) 16:48.59:984 [core.manager] (/cocoon/joerg/test) Thread-9/SourceResolverImpl: Making URL from http://www.moreover.com/cgi-local/page?o=xml&c=Virus%20warnings
DEBUG (2003-01-13) 16:48.59:984 [core.store.transient] (/cocoon/joerg/test) Thread-9/MRUMemoryStore: NOT Found key: PK_G-file-http://www.moreover.com/cgi-local/page?o=xml&c=Virus%20warnings_S-xml-1
DEBUG (2003-01-13) 16:48.59:984 [core.store.persistent] (/cocoon/joerg/test) Thread-9/AbstractFilesystemStore: NOT Found file: PK_G-file-http://www.moreover.com/cgi-local/page?o=xml&c=Virus%20warnings_S-xml-1
DEBUG (2003-01-13) 16:48.59:984 [core.store.transient] (/cocoon/joerg/test) Thread-9/MRUMemoryStore: NOT Found key: PK_G-file-http://www.moreover.com/cgi-local/page?o=xml&c=Virus%20warnings
DEBUG (2003-01-13) 16:48.59:984 [core.store.persistent] (/cocoon/joerg/test) Thread-9/AbstractFilesystemStore: NOT Found file: PK_G-file-http://www.moreover.com/cgi-local/page?o=xml&c=Virus%20warnings
DEBUG (2003-01-13) 16:49.00:234 [core.manager] (/cocoon/joerg/test) Thread-9/XMLizerImpl: No mime-type for xmlizing http://www.moreover.com/cgi-local/page?o=xml&c=Virus%20warnings, guessing text/xml

Geoff Howard wrote:
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 3:25 AM
Subject: RE: file generator error


It means that if I replace the '&' by '&amp;', the link isn't
correct anymore.
The problem seems to be that the Tomcat web server doesn't
convert '&amp;' to '&' and use '&amp;' to retrieve the web page.

Any idea?
Is it a Tomcat bug?

Thank you

I think I have confirmed some problem - try

it gives:
    <parameter name="amp;fee">
    <parameter name="foo">

Don't have time to do more than that now.

Geoff Howard

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