On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 03:11:37PM -0800, icewind wrote:
> Let me describe what I am doing:
> I have a directory that contains .xml files. In my
> sitemap, I have a pipeline that starts with a
> DirectoryGenerator on this directory. I then have a
> transformation that takes the directorygenerator's
> output and puts some xi:include tags with xpointers to
> some tags in the xml files I am interested in. I then
> run the xinclude transformation and serialize to html.

You could try the XPathDirectoryGenerator in Cocoon CVS.  It lets you
specify nodes in each file to include in the directory listing.  For
instance, to generate a page listing Ant scripts and their


I used:

<map:generate type="xpathdirectory"


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