
me and the worthy Piero De Nicola ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) would like to announce 
you the first release (0.0.4) of a Cocoon
transformer able to generate business charts (Bar, Area, Line, Pie, ...) out of plain 

Some of you may remember me talking about it at the First Cocoon GetTogether in 
Ghent... well, now it's for real :)

Let me just point out that this wouldn't have been possible without some good men at 
the IPZS S.p.A (Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca
dello Stato), which let us make public a piece of software we wrote for a customer of 

BTW, thanks to the Forrest team for letting us make so much doc in so little time :)

Enjoy ! And give us some feedback too !


               Luca Morandini
               GIS Consultant
              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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