On Fri, Jan 24, 2003 at 04:45:43PM +1000, Jerome Paul wrote:
> Hi,
>   I'm trying to convert xml documents using
> docbook-xsl-1.58.1\html\chunk.xsl with tomcat 4.0 and cocoon 2.0.4
> windows 2000.  Anyway the conversion takes a while (it's converting a
> decent sized xml document) when the conversion stops Internet explorer
> displays nothing when using the standard html\docbook.xsl it work fine.
> I'm pretty sure that the error is with the chunk.xsl because it's been
> hardcoded to write to the hdd and the way it actually creates many web
> pages instead of a single page.  Has anyone else had this problem?
> what's the solution that other people have used?

Er.. what does chunk.xsl do?  The one on my hdd doesn't seem to write to

Would I be correct in guessing that chunk.xsl breaks a large Docbook file
into chapters or something?  If so, you could use the XPathTransformer in
Cocoon bugzilla to achieve the same thing.  that's how I generated the
chapter views of a single XML file user manual at:

I can post details if that's the problem you're trying to solve.


> any help would be greatly appreciated 
> Jerome

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