Cyril Vidal wrote:
Dear all,

I would like to process an URI of the following type:

The first parameter's role is to select a specified stylesheet:
langue=anglais -> select participantsEN.xslt
langue=francais -> select participantsFR.xslt

while parameter 'critere' is used to pass a parameter to the selectionned
While this is no answer to your question, it might still be helpful.
Say you are using at least 2.0.4 and are able to either rename your xsl or the parameter value so that they match. Then you could do

<map:match pattern="">
<map:generate src="documents/participants.xml"/>
<map:transform src="stylesheets/participants{request-param:language}.xsl">
<map:parameter name="tri" value="{request-param:critere}"/>
<map:serialize type="html"/>

The so called input modules are available like any other variable from the sitemap.

Regarding the original question, I believe the "use-request-parameters" configuration needs to go into the configuration section and not into the pipeline. In addition, you would not neet the next
<map:parameter name="tri" value="{critere}"/>
becasue *all* parameters are available. Besides, "{critere}" is undefined at this place since the selector does not set any sitemap variables. For this you would need either the input module syntax above or an action that sets a variable.


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