hello people!
after some hours of configuration, i finally got the c2 phpgenerator
set up correctly. next thing would be to pass http-attributes as
parameters to the php-script. i tried something like this in the sitemap:
<!--php try-->
<map:match pattern="one2.php?myparam=**">
   <map:generate type="php" src="">
      <map:parameter name="myparam" value="{1}"/>
   <map:transform src=""/>
   <map:serialize type="xml"/>
then i called the url one2.php?myparam=three, but the variable myparam isn't available
in the php-script, referring to it seems to result in a php errormessage
(which is no valid xml, therefore i do not see anything of it).
i'd be delighted if anyone had some experience to share on this problem!

Thank you,  johannes

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