Hello Julian,

simply a part of the pipe which use parameters returned by the action should be inside the <map:act> tag.

Murad Jura.

Julian Klein wrote:
Hi All,

I am trying to add a paramater to the sitemap through
an Action extended from the MultiAction Class, but
when I try to access it in my sitemap, it is empty. I
am certain there should be a value coming out of the
Action b/c it prints the value to my log from inside
the action. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I
attached my Action code and sitemap code snippets. I
am running Cocoon 2.1 dev and java 1.4 on Red Hat 8.0.
The reason for the action is to get collection names
from the Xindice database, which translate to client's
of the webapp.


<map:match pattern="view/**">
<map:act type="task">
<map:parameter name="method"
<map:parameter name="task-subject-node"
<map:match type="request-parameter"
<map:transform src="stylesheets/task.xsl">
<map:parameter name="users" value="{subjNodes}"/>
<map:parameter name="categories"
<map:serialize type="html"/>
<map:transform src="stylesheets/task.xsl"/>
<map:serialize type="html"/>
/*Places all the user's into a sitemap parameter.*/
public Map doAddSubjNodes (Redirector redirector,
SourceResolver resolver,
Map objectModel,
String src,
Parameters parameters) throws
Exception {

Request request =
Map sitemapParams = new HashMap();
//determine dest of task to be created
String subjectNode =
TaskManager taskManager = new TaskManager();
//get all available subjectNode's
String[] subjNodes =
String subjStr = "";
//add all user's to sitemap
for(int x=0;x<subjNodes.length;x++) {
subjStr = subjStr + "/" + subjNodes[x];
sitemapParams.put("subjNodes", subjStr);
return sitemapParams;

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