Oh well, I don't mean to be caustic but developers that work for me that
don't document get yelled at allot. I don't tolerate it. Its quite easy to
javadoc as you go and a massive pain in the ass to do it after the fact. With
the lack of documentation though, it does make one wonder what is lurking in
there that isn't needed anymore. But then I still think a usability focused
release would be a good thing. Hell, Id be willing to do the Log4j conversion
when I get done with my current project.

-- Robert

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Turner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: Cocoon 2.1 the usability release?

> On Mon, Jan 27, 2003 at 01:28:30AM +0100, Robert Simmons wrote:
> > One other feature would be more extensive documentation in the API. To
> > see what I mean, look at the class level documentation on
> > LinkSerializer. Hrmm ... I still don't know what it does. Perhaps its
> > time to bust people's chops to document things.
> I'm glad to see you consider good documentation a priority.  I have
> commit access to the relevant repositories, and I am willing to document
> anything you like for a very reasonable $A10/class.  Please contact me
> offlist for further information.
> Of course... I ASSUME you'd be willing to pay someone, because how else
> could you get volunteers to scratch YOUR particular itch? :)
> --Jeff
> > What I meant about the component documentation, by the way, is
> > basically what is listed if you look at the package page in the API for
> > the various components.
> >
> > -- Robert
> ...
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