> Ivelin, I have coded the changes and finally got it working.
> The part I don't like too much is where I need to get the model in order
> add the document to the DB. Until that part everything seems to fit quite
> nicely.
> Remember I got the model stored in a XMLDocumentContainer and now I need
> whole model in a DOM Node or XML String in order to add it to Xindice.

I understand. It looks like you've been in a really good mood to get this
casting to work ;)
I suggest emailing the JXPath lead Dmirti for ideas, his email is

> This is what I did:
> /**
> * Add the document to the database
> */
> public void addDocument() throws Exception {
>   try {
>     //add the document to the database
>     XindiceManager xi = new XindiceManager();
>     //needs the DocumentRoot of the container
>     xi.add(xindiceSubCol,
> ocumentElement(), null);
>   }
>   catch (Exception e) {
>     getLogger().error("DOM Document could not be created", e);
>     throw e;
>   }
> }
> Yeah, what a casting experience! ;-)
> Maybe I'm missing somehting and there's an easier way in order to get what
> need...
> I prefer to send thi to the list for review by you or anybody else and
> I'll update the Wiki howto. Once reviewed and finished maybe this will be
> candidate for the official how-to docs, what do you think?

Go ahead. This will be a nice addition to the samples and how-tos.


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