Thanks for the extra insight.  Actually, the XSP and XSLT
issues are separate for me - the XSP is generating
relatively small sets of data, and the XSLT is also not
that complex.  However, I have relatively large static XML
files that I am trying to process using the full DocBook
XSLT code.  These seem to go *very* slowly... could one
cache these - my (very limited) understanding of caching
suggests that file genereated XML is automaticaly cached,
or not?

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 28/01/2003 09:36:39 >>>
Derek Hohls wrote:

> (... the example below says one has to know how to do caching of XSPs' -
> I still do not know how to do this but fortunately no one has yet
> complained
> about the speed of the generators - to me the issue is optimizing the
> speed
> of the transformers - anyone tried doing DocBook on the fly?? -- but the
> point is here is that you dont' need to know this stuff in order to
> get started;
> optimization is a second or third order stage of learning)

Here's the problem:  While it's true that XSPs (and generators by
association) are incredibly fast for the most part, the lack of caching
can be a serious bottleneck because, as you point out, the generators
are just the first part of a chain.  XSLT transformers are usually
cacheable.  Put two or three transformers in a chain and you're looking
at some processing time.  If your underlying XSP isn't caching, the
transformers can't cache and have to reprocess the same data over
again.  If the XSP caches, the transformations cache as well;  It's a
double win!

Cocoon 2.0.4 has a caching XSP example already.  In CVS, the caching API
has changed and the example no longer works;  However, there's a wiki
doc on a 2.1dev version:

And I do DocBook-like transformations.  Actually, we use a superset of
Simplified DocBook ( 
Most of the transformations templates are very simple (eg. <para> to
<p>, <ulink> to <a>).

- Miles

> I'm at about level 4c now...  and at each stage I get new insights into
> just how powerful and essential the sitemap is.

I can almost see it now: resumes with the Cocoon levels.

Java: 3 years; Intermediate
C++: 5 years; Advanced
COBOL: 12 years; Advanced
Cocoon: 2 years; Level 7


- Miles

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