> Robert Simmons wrote:
> > I have seen a plethora of new people come on this list and then just
> >  vanish.
> > Comments are invited.
> That's a quick decision for someone who has been around here for only 2
> weeks: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?a=104262324100003&r=1&w=2

I have put in 14 to 16 hours a day for 2 weeks on this thing. Lets fuckign
add it up shall we. That would be 210 hours averaging at 15 hours a day.
Dividing by 40 hours (the standard workweek) means that i have put in nearly
5 weeks of work time compressed into 2 weeks. You can sit down and shut up

Since you may havent gotten the picture yet, I dont like being flamed. If I
didnt care I wouldnt have bothered to post the damn mail.

> Then again, we should feel honoured because of the email avalanche you
> caused during that short period, in comparison with:

Avalanche? Oh well just sue me. If you would get off that high horse for 15
seconds, you might realize that that avalanche would have never had happened
if the product was documented properly. Fortunately most members of this list
are a bit more far sighted than you and have initiated a documentation effort
based on my comments. I would say that is a contribution. Im not interested
in your arrogant attitude.

Oh and if you would like to know why it is I have had so few posts on JBoss
forums, the answer is quite simple. The product works properly and well and
is very well documented.

> Anyway: http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jsp?forum=31&thread=243200 :

Oh you are steamed about that? Yes many of us on that forum are sick of kids
comming there asking people to do their homework for them. No, you didnt
really read the thread it seems or you would have seen our willingness to
answer questions as long as they arent "my teacher said to do x, can someone
write it for me?"

As for teaching yourself in cocoon, again I have an ace in the hole you have
forgotten. The documentation in cocoon is minimal at best. This has been
acknowledged by other more intelligent members of this mailing list.

> "In 4 years of college I knew more about computers than all of
> my profs together. Why? Cause I taught myself. Teaching one's self is
> rewarding but difficult. You MUST struggle. You must figure things out
> the hard way."

Point out the documentation on the classpath issue. Show me the rich and
fully qualified API documentation. Ahem. There isnt any. Do you make a habbit
of flaming while firing blanks?

> Pardon me if I find your decisions somehow 'unstable'. I find it a pity
> to see you post this kind of judgement after so many people have been
> actively trying to help you (and still do). Sure there is stuff that
> Cocoon fails to do. I just think you are the type of person who will
> always find something that will warrant _not_ using something you
> haven't created yourself.

There have been several people willign to help and I appreciate their
assistance. These people have also recognized the shortcommings of cocoon and
have acknowledged my input as a pure user and non-cocoon hacker. Perhaps you
should hjoin them. I dont make the decision lightly and if I could find any
way of satisfying my requirements with cocoon in the time I have, than I
would change my mind. Unfortunately, real life is a tad more demanding.

> In case you start wondering why I'm so up-close and personal about this:

Like I care.

> you really seem to forget this is _not_ a product, but an open source
> _project_, envisioned, created and supported by a community of real
> people.

If its not a product why bother? Anythign worth doing is worth doing right.
If you arent intending to make somethign that can be widely used, why are you
bothering? Just idle curriosity? if so label it as such so people can say
"oh," and move on to something that people intend to be real. I think,
however, the cocoon developers have a bit more vision.

> We are not being protective about our work, and we will readily
> admit its problems, but if all we get is yet another "gee I'm gonna
> leave 'coz this sucks" reply from you, I'm pretty sure I won't be the
> only one who just stops reading your mails.

Please do. You have nothing intelligent to contribute so please add me to my
ignore filter. That is assuming your monitor hasnt exploded from your flame
beign stuffed back into your face.

> Oh well - flame me, I can handle it. I'm sick of seeing nice people
> trying to help you, and you just spreading FUD in return. This is the
> third inflamatory email I composed to you during the past few days, and
> this time, I won't refrain from sending.

Feel free. If you ever come up with something intelligent to say, please flag
it as important. Others such as SAXESS have you beat by about 10,000 percent
in brain power and I appreciate their input. You, are just another dork
sittign in judgement of others. Shoo! Unfortunately for you, you caught me in
a particularly punchy mood where I am not going to restrain beating the snot
out of little freaks like you. Go get a point or at least one little piece of
evidence and then come back.

> If you are such a top dog, consider contributing.
> Take care,
> </Steven>
> --
> Steven Noels                            http://outerthought.org/
> Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
> Read my weblog at            http://blogs.cocoondev.org/stevenn/
> stevenn at outerthought.org                stevenn at apache.org
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